CHANNEL : The Creative HeadSpaceView The Creative HeadSpace Daydream Aref Durvesh and Lisa Mallett – Tigersonic StudioThe Creative HeadSpace2013.10.26YTviewdetail#Live#Lisa Mallett#Aref Durvesh 未登録の動画Creative Music Apps You Should Have (IOS)2024.10.29YTviewBrian Fay UHF wireless mic for guitar and bass review2024.10.10YTview"Why You Shouldn't Give Up on Your Music Dream—Even When It’s Hard."2024.10.03YTviewLekato IEM do they actually work as wireless headphones?2024.09.09YTviewZoom B1X FOUR Does cheap = crap ?2024.07.19YTviewFeel the fear and tell it to eff off !2024.07.13YTviewTop Bird2024.07.07YTviewDubs in a Row2024.07.06YTviewMARS FLOWERS Tigersonic2024.07.06YTviewXvive U2 wireless mic horrible high pitched whine ?2024.06.22YTviewIs Zoom RT 323 Still Relevant in 2024?2024.06.06YTviewBass Amp mic shootout: AKG D112, AKG 414, or Shure SM57 for Bass Amp?2024.05.22YTviewSAND TRIP2024.04.25YTviewContact Mic Shootout2024.04.02YTviewUpgrade Alert: Is It Time To Ditch Your Korg Nts1 Mk-I For The Mk-II?2024.03.23YTviewPinknoise2023.12.24YTviewrainger echo x2023.11.01YTviewDIY horror box2023.10.31YTviewDIY Horror Noise Ambient Box easy way to make your own original weird soundscape2023.10.31YTviewGet Bored, Get Creative: Rediscovering the Art of Doing Nothing2023.10.15YTviewKorg Monotron Delay2023.10.08YTviewFind Your Perfect Mic: Oktava 319, Akg 414, Miktek C1, Adk 67 Clone - Which One2023.09.24YTviewNo More Zero Days for Musicians2023.09.17YTviewEcho X Pedal version 1 by Rainger. FX2023.09.03YTviewyou need space to make music2023.08.26YTviewAm I too Late, am I too old to be a musician ?2023.08.23YTviewUnlock Your Full Potential: Time Hacks For Musicians2023.08.19YTviewMic Shootout Oktava MK 319 vs AKG 414 vs SE Titan2023.08.16YTviewfeeling stuck ? Can creative prompts help ?2023.08.12YTviewMic Shootout - Will the cheapo Samson C05 triumph?2023.08.09YTviewVOX AMplug 2 Bass Supercool headphone amp for bass2023.08.05YTviewfree sound effects logfire in burner binaural recording2023.03.13YTviewSound Effect Gas Ring Lighting Cooker Binaural Recording2023.03.06YTviewfan soundeffect2023.03.06YTview#noisevember 24 Tigersonic swine pearl2022.11.24YTviewdelia derbyshire dub 23 aug2022.11.23YTviewSoundart field recording of London underground Piccadilly line with added electronics2022.11.20YTviewTigersonic2022.11.17YTviewself meditate2022.11.16YTviewPondlife2022.11.14YTview13 #noisevember walk the line2022.11.13YTview#noisevember 9 Dreamies Cat the landladies cat Tigersonic2022.11.09YTviewkiss my teeth2022.10.19YTviewtigersonic live2022.05.19YTviewday 30 #30works30days2022.04.30YTviewday 28 guilty pleasures2022.04.28YTviewinvisible tiger #30worksin30days2022.04.21YTviewHome is where the drum machine lives2022.04.17YTview#30works30days Brief : Experiment with ways to document your work.2022.04.12YTviewday 11 mov2022.04.11YTview関連するArtistの他の動画Lisa Mallett Lisa Mallet and MendiLlangollen20112011.07.06YTviewdetail#Live#Jazz#Lisa Mallett#Mendi more Lisa MallettAref DurveshLisa Mallett